Online Advertising and Support

Automate your marketing. Save valuable time and money with a complete plan, created and managed by experts so you can achieve your goals.

Write off up to $20,000 on digital assets with the instant asset write off. Talk to an Expert

1. Facebook & Instagram Advertising

Professionally design, create, and manage your ad campaigns. ​

Crucial to continue elevating your brand and business professionally and powerfully. Consistency of messaging and visibility is essential to marketing success.​

This plan includes ​
1. Professionally Design
2. Professional Add Setup
3. Campaign Management
4. Cost of Facebook Ads Campaign​

Social Media Marketing

2. Google ad campaigns (Search, Display, Shopping, and Video)

We determine your Google pay-per-click (PPC) campaign structure according to your marketing strategy to attract the correct traffic to your website.

This plan includes:

1. Professional Google ad Setup and strategy
2. PPC campaign management
3. Continues monitoring and optimisation of ads
4. 100% Transparency

Social Media Marketing & Technical Support

3. Retarget Advertising​

We create and manage Retargeting Ads that allow you to re-engage with website visitors that didn’t convert, and bring them back into the funnel.

A fundamentally important tactic to bring visitors back to your website. NetStripes experts will provide you professional ad guidance so can be as effective as possible.​

This plan includes
1. Professionally Design
2. Campaign Management ​
3. Professional Add Setup ​
4. Cost of Retarget Ads Campaign​

Social Media Marketing & Technical Support

4. Analytics and Reporting

Reviewing key metrics is an extremely valuable exercise to review and improve your ad performance.

What’s included

1.  Monthly report based on key promotional metrics.
2.  Insights to help you make data-driven decisions.
3.  Analyse what’s working and what’s not and take timely actions as required with your team and the assistance of our experts as per above.

Social Media Marketing & Technical Support

5. Website Support, Backups and Updates

You need to be able to rest easy knowing your website, backups, and technical support, are taken care of professionally.

Risk management is vital. The need for enhanced website security has increased significantly since covid with more people online and hackers exploiting every opportunity.

This Plan Includes
1) Weekly Backup of Website
2) 3 Hours of tech support monthly
3) Software and Plugin Updates
4) Security of up to 3 backups anytime

Social Media Marketing & Technical Support

6. Expert Guidance

In these time-efficient sessions, experts provide you with Digital & Marketing guidance to review and improve your business based on data.


1.  Monthly expert sessions of 30-minutes or bi-monthly expert sessions for 1-hour
2. Review and re-strategise based on key metrics, to make decisions for continuous improvement of strategy and tactics.
3. Ask our experts those tough strategic and tactical questions you have been grappling with during the month under review.

Social Media Marketing & Technical Support

Choose the best plan for your business

GrowAccelerate 1Accelerate 2Accelerate Plus
Cost Per WeekCost Per WeekCost Per WeekCustom Cost
Facebook + Instagram Advertising
Google Ads
Retarget Advertising
Monthly Expert Guidance Meeting
Weekly Backups
Software Updates and Cyber Security
Tech Support / Hrs per month333N/A
Monthly Expert Guidance bySenior Digital SpecialistSenior Digital StrategistPrincipal StrategistPrincipal Strategist
Free Addons IncludedUp to $200Up to $500Up to $750Up to $1000
Cost of all above options bought individually$551$784$1040Custom Cost
Total Weekly Investment$375$550$700Custom Cost
Weekly savings on purchase of package of 3$192$234$340Custom Cost
Advertising Spend Inclusions
Facebook + Instagram Ads spend each month$280$500 $500Custom Cost
Google Ads Spend each month$200$500Custom Cost
Retarget Ads spend each month$150$200$250Custom Cost
Advertising budget can be reviewed based on industry and goals
Talk to an Expert
Talk to an Expert
Talk to an Expert
Talk to an Expert
Sign Up Now Sign Up Now Sign Up Now

*Pay in Fortnightly instalments starting on the date you confirm the order​

*All prices quoted are subject to GST

*Minimum Period for services: 6 months

* To ensure continuity, plans will automatically roll over for another 6 months at the end of the period.
*Clients may stop the plan at end of a 6 month period giving us 2 weeks’ notice.

Optional Add-ons

Animation Video for Social Media

Short-form animated videos to attract and engage your ideal audience

$495 excl GST

Business Flyer to Brand strategy

Professionally designed flyer based on your brand strategy

$295 excl GST

SEO Keyword Strategy

Keyword strategy crafted to improve site traffic and visibility

$575 excl GST

Facebook and Instagram Profile Page Design

Custom-designed Facebook and Instagram profile images and setup to maximize brand awareness

$195 excl GST

Social Media Designs per Quarter

Professionally designed social media content that is engaging and sharable to increase brand visibility

$295 excl GST per 5 designs

Email Marketing Header Design

World-class email header designs to provide important information about your business

$150 excl GST

Google PageSpeed Insights optimisation

Get your website a 90+ score for mobile and desktop in Google PageSpeed insights assessment

$ 390 excl GST

On-Page SEO plan

Complete on-page SEO improvement for your website

$ 1850 excl GST

Social Media Marketing in 2022

Watch this video to learn how to create a winning social media marketing strategy that resonates with your ideal customer and creates opportunities for more leads.

5 Points for ROI​ & Justification​

1. New customers

Winning new customers of the right type makes the business stronger and also achieves the purpose of the owners.

2. Execution

When your strategy is executed with professional guidance, it will increase the certainty around achieving your goals.

3. Brand awareness

Strong brand awareness is essential to target and be in front of your ideal client personas and win their trust.

4. Expert guidance

Having the guidance of Digital & Marketing experts who will hold you accountable to goals

5. Tech support

Priority Tech Support means you don’t have to lose sleep over any technical issues, hacking issues, software updates, etc.

Justifying an investment is never easy.

Based on our analysis

the opportunity cost of not winning just one ideal client is much higher than the total investment per year.



Netstripes provides high-quality social media marketing services to our clients, and we have received positive feedback for the quality of our work. Here is what our customers are saying about us.
  • Patrick Smith
    August 1, 2023

    Thank you, Dinesh and your team, for such a professional and thorough job on my business website’s strategy, build and implementation. The process made me think harder and look deeper into my business, which proved incredibly beneficial. I have no hesitation in recommending NetStripes; with Dinesh and his team, you are in good hands.

  • Tracey Sirett
    August 12, 2023

    Netstripes has helped me work on my business model, customer strategy, value proposition, and messaging to translate into my Digital Strategy Blueprint. Netstripes staff then went on to Online brand design to ensure I was represented in the best light to my ideal customers, which was essential in getting this right to the point of launching my new website. Thank you for all of your help. You have been amazing to deal with!

  • Alan Lobley
    August 17, 2023

    Dinesh and his team of advisers have been really good at pinpointing my business and client base. They came up with a very satisfying web page covering the requirements to promote my business, and I highly recommend them and look forward to working with them as we progress on this journey.

  • Martin Weir
    August 25, 2023

    My first interaction with Netstripes came through a webinar organised by FBAA, and immediately I felt that this was the team I needed to work with. The whole process, from the Bootcamp to the Strategy Blueprint to my Online Branding and updating my website, has been professional, educational and straightforward. My only regret is that I didn’t know about them sooner, as it would have saved me an enormous time and money. I would (and have) happily recommend Netstripes to any business looking to improve its overall digital profile.


        Terms & Conditions

        The Client hereby engages NetStripes (the Provider), on a non-exclusive basis to provide the Services to the Client, and the Provider hereby accepts that engagement and agrees to provide the Services to the Client, in accordance with the terms below. All services are provided under NetStripes Service agreement.

        The following steps describe the terms of engagement of this project.

        • Design, create and manage your Digital Advertising campaigns as per the plan signed-up for:
          • Social Media Advertising
          • Retarget Advertising
          • Provide periodic reports
          • Provide monthly guidance through scheduled advisory meetings.
        • Provide website technical support as per plan signed up for:
        • Provide website technical support as per plan signed up for:
          • Weekly backups of your website.
          • Technical support requests for your website.
          • Carry out periodic software and plugin updates related to your website.

        Digital Advertising Campaigns:

        In ensuring the project is kept to timelines, the client is to provide, approval or any request for changes within 3 business days of receiving our draft design.  Maximum time for design approval or request for any changes should be no longer than 3 days (due date) and any subsequent changes need to be approved within 24 hours (revised due date) of the change being sent to you.

        If no feedback is received within the given time, NetStripes will proceed to the next step of the project with the available information at hand.

        The above timelines and process will also be adhered to whenever approval is required from the client throughout the project cycle.

        • Changes in design are generally not recommended once advertising begins as it hampers advertising performance and incurs additional effort and cost. Any such changes will be quoted for separately at a nominal rate of $100 an hour.
        • New advertising or advertisements requested once the project has commenced will be quoted separately.
        • Content: The client is required to supply images and content required for your advertising.  We will advise you of the required content via email. The content may include, but is not limited to, photographs, written copy, logos and other printed material mutually agreed. In achieving timeline and cost related goals of the project, the content required is to be provided by the client within a week of the request.  Content delays impact project timeline, and may also hinder results due to importance of getting timing right in most advertising campaigns.
        • Continued delays in providing approval or content - Clients are advised that continued delays in providing content or approval has an impact on project costs due to increased cost of resources in coordination, design and development. Every week the project is delayed due to delays in approvals, and content delivery will incur a nominal fee of $150 per week in meeting these costs.

        Website Technical Support

        Service Delivery

        Coverage parameters specific to the service(s) covered in this Agreement are as follows:

        • Email support: Monitored 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday – Friday
        • Emails received outside of office hours will be collated. However, no action is guaranteed until the next working day within the agreed SLA.

        Service Requests

        In support of services outlined in this Agreement, NetStripes will respond to service related incidents and/or requests submitted within the following time frames:

        • 0-8 hours (during business hours) for issues classified as High priority.
        • Within 48 hours for issues classified as Medium priority.
        • Within 5 working days for issues classified as Low priority.

        You must indemnify us and hold us harmless from any claims or legal actions related to the content of your website or your advertising.

        1. Consequential Loss ‐ NetStripes shall not be liable for any loss or damage, which you may suffer which is in any way attributable to any delay in performance or completion of our contract, and however that delay arises.
        2. The Provider shall have personal liability for, and hereby irrevocably indemnifies and covenants to hold the Client harmless from and against, any and all Losses that may be suffered by the Client and which arise, directly or indirectly, in connection with any breach of this agreement by the Provider and/or any negligent or other tortious conduct in the provision of the Services.
        3. The Client shall have personal liability for, and hereby irrevocably indemnifies and covenants to hold the Provider harmless from and against, any and all Losses that may be suffered by the Provider and which arise, directly or indirectly, in connection with any breach of this agreement by the Client and/or any negligent or other tortious conduct in the provision of the Services.

        1. Disclaimer 

        1.1 Ownership of Design - the ownership of the advertising designs which includes final design and development belongs to NetStripes until the completion and full payment of the campaign. Your right to use the designs immediately ceases and the licenses granted under this agreement terminated if you do not pay your instalments on time and NetStripes shall be entitled to immediately remove all material from the advertising platforms.

        1.2 Ownership of intellectual property rights - You must obtain all necessary permissions and authorities in respect of the use of all copy, graphic images, registered company logos, names and trademarks, or any other material that you supply to us to include in your advertising campaigns.

        1.3 NetStripes assumes no liability for the financial results and outcomes.

        1.4 To the full extent permitted by law, all terms, conditions, warranties, undertakings, inducements or representations whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise (other than the express provisions of these terms and conditions) relating in any way to the services we provide to you are excluded. Without limiting the above, to the extent permitted by law, any liability of NetStripes under any term, condition, warranty or representation that by law cannot be excluded is, where permitted by law, limited at our option to the replacement, repair or resupply of the services or the payment of the cost of the services that we were contracted to perform.

        If you are in agreement of the above please Sign Up below in order to process your request and proceed with the development of your Advertising.

        Thanking you


        Your NetStripes Team