How online learning can improve your business while saving money

They say there are no shortcuts to success but I believe online digital training is definitely one. When compared to traditional methods of learning, online training provides more opportunities and direct communication with experts in the field. With online training, you can progress at your own pace. We all absorb and process information at our own pace […]

Reinvent Australia’s economy with innovative thinking: insights from the Honourable Minister Damien Tudehope

As Australia begins its exit process from lockdown, it’s important for businesses to take stock, get advice, and think about online opportunities to reinvent Australia’s economy. Netstripes Founder – Dinesh De Silva sat down to discuss this and more in detail with the Honourable Damien Tudehope – Minister for Finance and Small Business. Australia’s Federal […]

Bespoke Catering pivots its business model to serve customers during covid-19

Learn how Fabio Funai pivoted his business’s model and strategy to include new services that enabled him to continue catering to clients and increasing revenue during covid-19. The Company Established in 2014, Bespoke Catering was founded by Fabio Funai. With a strong background in the culinary and hospitality industry, Fabio and his team worked closely […]

Flat Rock Brew Café beats covid-19 pandemic by bringing the pub experience home

See how Karl Riseborough reinvented his business model to continue serving customers and increasing revenue during covid-19. The Company Flat Rock Brew Café is located in Sydney’s Lower North Shore, and serves hand-crafted beer brewed, along with great food and wine. The café is run by Karl and Jenny Riseborough, locals who have kept their […]

Government initiatives to support businesses during Covid-19

With the Covid-19 pandemic battering the global economy, the Government’s decision to provide financial assistance through a stimulus package and grants is a wave of relief among small and medium sized business owners, but how do they actually work for us? Financial stimulus package The stimulus package includes payroll tax changes, a tax-free increase from […]

Bizruption Sydney at The Star – futurising the way we do business

February 17th marks the first Bizruption for the new decade, and it was certainly an evening to remember. Bizruption Sydney at The Star welcomed over 200 entrepreneurs, industry leaders, investors and guest speakers to connect through discussions on innovation. It was also a memorable evening for us at Netstripes as we unveiled our new branding […]

Why you need a website for your business

Unless you’re a small business owner who has no interest in developing your brand or business, you need to have a website. Nowadays, with all consumers browsing online, it’s vital for any business to have an established digital presence to attract your ideal customer. If that’s not enough to convince you, here’s a few more […]

Practical Customer retention strategies that any business can use

Once you gain a customer, you want them to keep coming back. That’s why retention needs to be at the heart of your digital strategy in maintaining, communicating and building a relationship with your existing customer base.  So, where do you start? Know your customer  Before you begin your retention strategy, a key requirement is […]

Practical Customer retention strategies that any business can use

Once you gain a customer, you want them to keep coming back. That’s why retention needs to be at the heart of your digital strategy in maintaining, communicating and building a relationship with your existing customer base.  So, where do you start? Know your customer  Before you begin your retention strategy, a key requirement is […]