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Success Story: Adam Carey from Suncow Wealth

Read Suncow Wealth Adam’s story on how Netstripes’ 1-on-1 advisory helped him make a big impact on his business

Adam Carey is a financial adviser; originally started in stockbroking before moving into financial planning where he helped give clients a more holistic advice piece.

Starting his fee-of-service financial planning practice Suncow Wealth in 2013, Carey’s mission is to create certainty and peace of mind for his clients.

In 2018, Carey went for an advisory session with Netstripes. Unclear of what his business goal was, Netstripes’ marketing specialist helped Carey streamline his goals and vision for his business.

In regards to his website, Netstripes also advised Carey to think in terms of what his clients want instead of what he can offer. However what made the biggest impact of Carey was the specialist’s recommendation to use call-to-action buttons, Yoast SEO Plugins, meta tags and a few keywords on his website.

The Digital Strategy Advisory Sessions provide you with the best in digital expertise from experts in the field.

“Netstripes have also been extremely useful in showing us what did work and where we were wasting a lot of time, money and effort with certain social media platforms. NetStripes advisor was extremely patient and knowledgeable in all our dealings and provided excellent advice.”

“I would happily recommend them to anyone looking for a genuine digital platform for their business. As a result, we successfully tested our assumptions and understood the customer needs which ultimately made a big difference.”

“It hasn’t just changed our approach to business but more importantly, it has changed our thinking.”

To check out Adam’s website, click here .

Feel free to talk to one of our digital strategists today. We are more than happy to help! Contact us now.

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