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Online Advertising: 5 Trends to Watch

As technology advances, how we consume and interact with online advertising in Australia is changing, and small businesses need to stay ahead of trends to remain competitive.

This blog will explore the latest trends in advertising and what the future holds for small businesses.

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising is an automated way of buying and selling online advertising, using algorithms and data to target specific audiences.

It is becoming increasingly popular as it allows you to reach your target audience more effectively, with greater accuracy and efficiency.

Programmatic advertising also provides businesses with real-time data and insights, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and optimise their campaigns.

Video Advertising

Video advertising is growing exponentially, and it’s no wonder why. It is a highly engaging form of content that captures viewers’ attention and conveys information more effectively than text or still images.

This form of advertising has the added benefit of being highly trackable, providing business owners with detailed insights into their target audience’s engagement.

In the future, video advertising will likely play an even more prominent role in online advertising.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising how we think with platforms like ChatGPT already taking the tech world by storm.

AI-powered advertising systems can analyse vast amounts of data in real time, providing businesses with the insights they need to make data-driven decisions and optimise their campaigns.

AI-powered advertising also has the potential to personalise the online advertising experience for each individual, providing them with relevant and targeted content.

Voice Search Optimisation

With smart speakers and virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri in nearly every house, businesses must optimise their online advertising campaigns for voice search or risk missing out on a growing market segment.

Voice search optimisation involves using long-tail keywords and conversational language and ensuring your website is easily navigable by voice.

For example, if the keyword was restaurant Sydney, then your long-tail keywords would be something like, “what are some popular restaurants in Sydney”, or “what are the best restaurants in Sydney that deliver”.

Interactive Content

Interactive content, such as polls, quizzes, surveys, and games, is becoming increasingly popular to engage with target audiences and provide a more personalised experience.

For example, Elon Musk uses Twitter polls and surveys to get his message across or gain a better understanding of user preferences.

Interactive content allows businesses to gather data on their target audience and use it to create more relevant and targeted advertising campaigns.

In the future, interactive content will likely play an even more significant role in online advertising.


Online advertising constantly evolves, and businesses must stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive.

From programmatic advertising and video advertising to AI, voice search optimisation, and interactive content, the future of online advertising is looking bright.

By staying up-to-date on the latest trends and innovations, businesses can ensure they’re making the most of the opportunities available in the online advertising landscape.

To learn more about online advertising, book a free advisory session with our digital specialist to learn how to implement ad campaigns into your marketing strategy.

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