The Small Business
Digital Engagement
Copyright © NetStripes 2016
All Rights Reserved
The information, text, technical and research content contained in this document is for
general information purposes only and should not be mistaken for a business consultation.
We make no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied about the suitability of the
information contained to your business.
Ride the Digital Wave
Chapter 1: Customer Needs
Digital Engagement
Search Engine Optimization
Social Media Engagement
Email Marketing
The Know-How
Chapter 2: Increase Traffic to
Your Website and Business
Lead Generation
The aim of this manifesto is not to
give a step-by-step guide on digital
engagement, but rather to give
insights on strategy for small
business owners.
We believe that by providing the core
foundation that every small business
needs to succeed in digitally
engaging their business, they will
be better equipped to grow their
business and excel.
CEO of Netstripes
Dinesh De Silva
The digital world is changing and constantly evolving with new
technological advancements at a phenomenal pace. People now
interact and communicate on a global scale, which means the
way they choose and buy their products is also changing. And
just as people are embracing digital technology, business
owners must also integrate their business with today’s demands
if they want their business to survive.
Therefore, we are pleased to offer our experience and this
manifesto to help you assimilate your small business seamlessly
into the digital world with the right tools and the right strategy.
Ride the
Digital Wave
As anyone who embarked on launching his
or her own business knows it is hard enough
starting a business much less maintaining
it. However, our research shows that when it
comes to digitally engaging your business,
thousands of business owners are either:
a) fearful and not aware of the importance
of digital engagement to their business,
b) do not understand what steps to take to
positively impacts their business, or
c) do not know how to implement digital
engagement within their marketing plan and
try every possible tactic and frustratingly
experience poor or no results having spent
much money and time.
The reason most small business owners
who do try to build online engagement with
their clients and prospects fail because they
lacked the strategy, skills and the knowhow
needed for effective online engagement.
It is about doing a few things right and not
doing everything. Unfortunately, many small
businesses have been the victims of poor
advice and strategy.
Technology is only a medium of delivery
and hence success demands that we make
sure our business models are geared to
deliver upon the exacting requirements
of consumers who incessantly consume
information, entertainment, products and
services addictively and want everything
now. Unfortunately, most businesses and
their business models fail to deliver to these
NetStripes believe that small business
owner need help with guiding their
business strategy first before they invest
on building websites or on any form of
digital marketing.
Chapter 1
The most fundamental aspect of
designing a successful marketing strategy
is understanding your customers and their
needs. The biggest issue we have seen
having spoken to over 7000 business
owners is that they don’t understand
the needs of their customers well
enough. Hence, any marketing strategy
created without that understanding is
fundamentally flawed.
The goal of understanding your current
customers and your future customers’
needs, need not be an expensive and
complex process. One of the latest
marketing trends is conducting Ethnographic
Research that uses a humancentered design
approach. This kind of targeted research
provides the basic framework to identify
your target market and Consumer
Buying Behavior.
The reason why you must gain insight
into buying behavior, such as what drives
the basic and supplementary needs of
consumers and what gratifies them, is to
help you connect your product and services
to these basic needs and ensure consumers
react positively to your product. Ad
campaigns such as
“reach out and touch
“you’re in good hands with
all reflect this primary principle.
Most importantly, you must define who your
ideal customer is, by building a customer
persona that fits your target market. An
example of the ideal customer persona
could be: middle aged legal professionals -
owners of their own consultancies/practices
- $1M revenue who are dependent on word
of mouth advertising and are struggling to
attract new customers...etc. Once you know
who your ideal customer is, you could fit
your content to that persona and attract the
right customers to your business.
Get to Know Your Ideal Customer
Understand What Drives Your Customer to Buy!
The next step is talk to as many current
customers as possible in determining
Purchase Patterns, which focuses on what
compels consumers to actually take action
and purchase your product, as opposed
to just generating interest. Here, product
attributes (value, size, durability…etc.)
creates a comparability factor on which
the customer decides is “best” for their
immediate needs. In fact, firms that analyze
buyer reactions to their marketing strategies
have the greatest success. Posing questions
such as what drives the customer to make
a purchase and what factors influence
their choices, help firms better predict
how successful their marketing strategies
are, and how well consumers respond to
them. What this essentially does is save
time and cost towards a more efficient and
successful marketing gains.
In a Nutshell
Once you know your ideal
customer and their needs,
you will be in a better position
to influence their buying
behavior and convert them.
Digital Engagement
Now that you understand your ideal
customer and their needs, you are ready to
digitally engage them. There are 4 essential
elements that form the foundation for a
comprehensive digital engagement strategy.
Without these 4 cornerstones, you cannot
build a truly effective digital presence. All
your strategic planning will be focused on
directing traffic towards your website,
which will be the core of your digital
business identity.
So, first, you must have a perfectly
engineered mobile-optimized website; then
you must incorporate a combination of:
1) Search engine optimization to promote
your website and business,
2) Engage your customers on selected
social media channels, and
3) Strategically adapt your content to your
customers through Email Marketing.
Perfectly Engineered
Mobile-friendly Website
This process of engineering a professional
website depends on the clear definition of
your selling proposition, which includes
what your business strengths are, your
services, who your ideal potential customer
is, why they should trust you and seek your
services, and what makes you stand out
from hundreds if not thousands of
other competitors.
For example, it is not strategic to list 20
types of services; it will confuse your clients
and overcrowd your website. You have to
decide what are you best at, because your
competition is most likely offering the same
list of services. Therefore, strategize and
know what makes you better than your
competition and list that! One way is to look
at your last 12 months of revenue to know
which services are best for you to focus on.
The absolute foundation of any digital
engagement strategy is your website.
However, digital engagement is not just
having an aesthetically attractive website;
being online means competing on a global
scale, so your website must provide world-
class customer experience.
Studies show that it takes online visitors 2-5
seconds to decide on whether to continue
viewing a website, and 40% of people will
abandon a website if it takes more than
3 seconds to load; therefore, if visitors’
experience navigating your site is not
pleasant, they will not persevere. In addition,
more than 50% of all searches are now done
via smartphones and increasing, so if your
site is not mobile-friendly you could lose half
of your potential customers. Therefore, your
website must:
1) possess a clean, uncluttered and
professional design,
2) embody your brand essence and unique
business selling proposition, and
3) engage your target market’s needs.
The next step is to ensure the credibility of
your website, which should be at the
forefront. In other words, it must convey the
high quality that your company aspires to
by providing a professional design that
exhibits authority and excellence. You must
make sure that you incorporate a design
with relevant content that is uncluttered,
easy to use and delivers the most important
messages without confusing customers
with too much information.
To achieve this, you must pay attention to
how your language appeals and caters to the
needs of your customers; therefore, having
the right design and content will help
establish this essential rapport with your
customers and prospects. Some elements
that will fortify your credibility and trust
value is providing success stories and
This ensures that your visitors understand
the benefits of working with your business in
a succinct and efficient way. Once they are
reassured of your credibility, they are more
likely to take a form of strategic action, such
as buying, downloading content, or
subscribing to your services.
Food for Thought
No matter how awesome your
website is, if customers can’t
find it, it doesn’t exist!
SEO is a strategy that focuses on having your business at the forefront, so that all digital roads
lead back to your website and business. So, this process is vital to any business because it
affects the visibility of your website in search engines (Search Ranking). Keep in mind that 2
billion online searches are performed worldwide on a daily basis. The average Australian visits
91 different websites each month, so your business must compete for high rankings for it to be
found in this digital maze!
Search Engine
Optimization (SEO)
All Roads Must Lead to Your Website!
89% of customers start their buying
process with search engines; however,
SEO drives 51% of all visitors to Websites.
SEO, although tough, will deliver good
outcomes in bringing more visitors from
search engine users to your website and
increase traffic exposure to your brand.
Additionally, this particular service will more
likely generate real business since potential
customers are the ones generating interest
in your business by searching for specific
services; therefore, they are more likely to
engage your service offers.
SEO is not related to paid, but rather organic
search outcomes where your website
appears on the first page of a search engine
results such as Google. So to begin, you
must list all the online directories and link
your business to all of them, to make sure all
roads lead to your business.
In the past, SEO companies depended on
dodgy strategies that relied on the redundant
uses of keywords. Today, search engines
are more advanced and have significantly
curtailed this practice by punishing websites
that employ “black hat” or this poor and
frowned upon SEO techniques.
The World Wide Web is a
powerful platform to deliver
your content to your
ideal customers!
share, comment and click, which will do
most of the advertising work for you. So,
think of content as asset.
However, you must not just focus on the
type of content and ignore the quality;
content should be both consistent, fresh
and genuine. Companies that create average
content and try to amplify it themselves will
struggle. The key is creating genuine content
with value to target market, and it will be
amplified (shared) automatically.
Variety in content is also the key factor in
amplification because it allows users to
share in different platforms.
Additionally, networking your business with
the influential bloggers in your industry
could prove to be a great asset. Contacting
bloggers, engaging with them through social
media, commenting and sharing contents
with them will also bring in significant traffic
to your website. Likewise, find out the most
important online and offline magazine in
your industry that customers read, and share
your articles with them.
SEO relies on content; therefore, you must
make that content original and relevant. In
a nutshell, you want to create awareness
about your product, and content creates
that awareness. So, when it comes to digital
engagement strategies, businesses must
really earn online traffic to their websites
and get creative with their content to attract
customers. Therefore, it is important that
your brand is presented in an interesting and
approachable way. In fact, the importance of
content written, video or social form cannot
be overstated, which could be anything from
lead generation reports to brand awareness
pieces such as “7 Keys to Successful
Business Planning” or “The Most Influential
Fashion Trends of 2016”.
So your goal must be to create meaningful
and relevant content, such as blogs, videos,
articles, newsletters, press releases…etc.
that is valuable for the customer; and most
importantly to do so regularly, and not once
every 6 months! Bottom line is, having a
great website and SEO is not enough. You
need amplification through relevant content;
the better the content, the more people will
Australian users, making Australia one of
the largest consumers of social media in the
world. This in turn ties in with the important
role social media plays in SEO because of its
capacity for message amplification through
the numbers of shares, comments
and clicks.
Almost 3 out of 4 social media users read
online reviews before making a purchase, so
a customer-oriented strategic approach will
be of great value to any business. Therefore,
a good marketing strategy is to determine
which social media channels are most
relevant to boost customer engagement
and garner more brand exposure for
your company.
In the old marketing world, customers
needed to see your brand 6 times before
making a decision. Today, due to the small
attention span and constant bombardment
of information, your brand must be seen
a minimum of 16 times before brand
awareness is created. So, when planning
your strategy it is important that your digital
brand does not only occupy your website,
but also all the channels your prospective
customers frequent. You can achieve this
through social media engagement.
There are hundreds of millions of users on
social media portals such as Facebook,
Twitter and LinkedIn, which makes them
excellent channels for brand exposure. In
fact, social media is frequented by 95% of
Social Media
• 3 in 5 Australians interact with companies
via social networks (primary source of
info is company website).
• Australians spend more time on social
media than any other country in the world.
• 74% of social media users read an online
review before any purchase, and 58% of
them result in purchases.
There are 1.3 billion active users of FB
with 13.2 million in Australia (most of
them 55-65 females).
• FB accounts for 27% of Internet use
in Australia.
There are 27 million pieces of content
shared every day. Clicks from shared
content are 5 times more likely to
result in purchase.
Bottom Line, knowing your target market is
essential to your digital marketing strategy.
So, knowing where your customers are,
when they are online and what they are
talking about will help you strategically
influence their communication to match
your target consumers’ requirements. Social
media provides the perfect platform to
monitor brand activity and gauge customer
satisfaction. It also helps with providing
consumers with a platform where they could
express themselves; hence, social media
engagement is a dynamic and never
ending process.
Choose Your
Platforms Wisely
However, there are more platforms than
just Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, and
understanding which platforms best suit
your business is essential to reaching your
demographic. For example, marketing
specialists are paying lots of attention to
Pinterest and YouTube, which are growing
in value for marketers looking to grow their
audience and prospective customers. In fact,
video marketing establishes authority and
fosters trust in your products, especially with
YouTube being the second biggest search
engine online.
Consider the fact that Pinterest alone
drives more website traffic than Google
and LinkedIn combined. In fact, since the
greatest majority of Pinterest subscribers
are women, this platform would be more
beneficial for retail fashion boutiques that
could post (pin) photos of their products,
which will be sure to attract substantial
traffic by potential customers. Thus,
planning a focused marketing strategy
that includes a multi-channel marketing
campaign will harness such platforms and
use them to your business’ advantage.
Your goal should be to inform
prospective clients and create
a community of interest.
etc.) content-rich targeted newsletters will
engage customers like nothing else; plus
they are easily forwarded and inexpensive.
Like other social media outlets, email-
marketing results can be easily tracked to
get insight into your customers; which could
in turn be tailored and designed to suit your
target groups and promote your brand
more effectively.
However, there is a difference between
directed, strategic Email marketing and
spam! It is essential that your customers
give their consent and permission to receive
these emails. Bottom line, people want to
be informed, not bombarded with unwanted
emails. So, think strategic marketing, and
don’t abuse this marketing tool.
Half of the world population use emails, so
it is a powerful asset for promoting your
business; it delivers your messages directly
to your target audience and it is inexpensive
and flexible. Consider the fact that 91.66%
of all Australian emails are opened within
72 hours. In fact, in the US alone, according
to Direct Marketing Association, email
marketing yields an average 4,300% return
on business investment. In addition,
according to Hubspot, companies that use
email marketing generate 50% more sales
leads at 33% lower cost. That is why
marketers keep ranking emails as the single
most effective and inexpensive marketing
tactic for acquisition, conversion and
retention of customers.
So, consistent and regular (daily, weekly...
Email Marketing
Email Marketing!
Research shows that only 16% of Australian small and medium sized businesses have full
digital engagement, which means the remaining 84% (a staggering 1.7 million businesses) are
missing out on over $350,000 of revenue per year from digitally engaging their customers and
connecting with potential prospects. In fact, small businesses making full use of the Internet
experience 20% faster growth per year than their counterparts, which is quite significant. So the
real question is, why aren’t more business owners taking advantage of digital engagement?
The Six Traps
Small Business
Owners Fall Into
The main hurdle for most business owners
is lack of awareness on the impact digital
engagement could have on their business,
which ties in with their general lack of action
to get the professional help their business
needs to excel.
In most instances, they try to put together a
website using online tools, not knowing that:
1) a good website must reflect the
professional standards and quality of
services, tailored towards a target
market demographic for their
business specifically,
2) no matter how wonderful their website
is, if people cannot find it, it is
meaningless, and
3) there are tools and strategies that
underlie this process that make it work.
Consequently, they end up with a product
that is unprofessional, does not reflect the
essence of their brand or business,
and which does not stand out from the
In other words, you could end up with an
online business identity that does not reflect
your offline reputation and professional
standards. For example, a famous qualified
professional (i.e. doctor, lawyer…etc.) that
provides high quality services in reality, but
who has a badly designed website that does
not effectively communicate that standard,
might convey a dodgy, unprofessional
image, which adversely affects his business
prospects. Hence, it is important for a
business owner to have the right mindset
and understanding that there is a strategy
that underlines an effective, professional
digital engagement to truly reap the benefits
of this technology.
1. Awareness
The Know-How
Another misconception is that digital
engagement is too expensive and will not
have significant effect on sales. Business
owners often don’t realize that this applies
only when they seek the services of digital
agencies focused on larger businesses.
One way that some business owners try to
sidestep this hurdle is seeking the services
of freelancers to save on cost. However,
no one person has all the skills involved to
provide a business with the comprehensive
strategic planning and professional end
product they need. Therefore, a freelancer
might deliver on design, development or
strategy but rarely the world class user
experience and digital engagement of
customers your business deserves.
2. Cost
Launching a business off the ground and
working towards growth, while managing
family responsibilities and a social life is
time consuming. Needless to say, when you
try to do everything on your own, something
is bound to suffer, be it customer service, or
service design…etc. Therefore, it is important
to know what you can and cannot do, and
look for experts that can help you to achieve
your goals to a budget.
3. Time
Some small business owners fall into the
trap of soliciting the services of offshore
providers, or larger digital agencies that
cater to larger corporations and end up with
either poor quality work, or paying an arm
and a leg with mediocre results. Needless to
say, communicating with offshore digital
agencies and freelancers is difficult due to
language and cultural differences,
which often affects quality and causes
unnecessary delays. But most importantly,
their services may not cover the local market
targets that your business needs.
In other instances, research shows business
owners use family members or friends who
provide unprofessional and amateurish end
products. Thus, this popular misconception
robs most business owners of opportunities
that could substantially help their business
to soar, especially when in this present-day
disruptive world experience, there are
affordable options for small businesses
to consider, such as cloud-based services
tailored for small businesses.
4. Provider
A fundamental factor in your success online
is getting the strategy right. This is about
understanding your ideal client, what is
special about your business, why should
anyone buy from your business when there
are so many alternatives, and how do you
create rapport with your prospects on your
website or social media platform. Therefore,
no amount of investment, action or design
could help you if you don’t have a strategy
to propel all these elements into one
comprehensive, focused, and
meaningful plan.
5. Strategy
Managing the process of building a world
class website is complex as it requires the
skills of multiple parties including
strategists, designers, developers and
clients all working in sync. Our research
of over 8000 small business have shown
this is an area many have faltered in, since
knowing the process of managing an online
marketing project is crucial. The wrong
process could end up wasting your time
and costing you a lot more money than you
could afford, not to mention result in all
the wrong outcomes, which could set your
business back significantly.
Many small business owners attempt to
manage this process themselves, but fail
because they don’t realize that they can’t
get results by managing what they haven’t
mastered. Therefore, even if you sidestep the
above traps, you can’t survive a competitive
business market in the long run if you
don’t know how to bring everything
together correctly.
6. Process
It’s about getting the right help. Speak to
our Digital Strategists on a guided plan
that focuses on achieving the financial
goals of your business.
Chapter 2
Traffic to
Your Website
and Business
By now, you understand that digital
engagement represents the core of the
marketing world. Your aim should be to
have total web engagement for your brand
This can be achieved only if you shift your
thinking and your marketing strategy to
propel from its digital center outwards and
not the other way around. That is why, most
businesses, regardless of industry, are
becoming O2O (online to offline) businesses
focused on enticing people online to
engage offline.
Today’s business owners must formulate
their marketing strategy with digital
marketing at its core by creating the
foundation that could carry their business’
brand into the next decade. Thus, every
website relies on lead magnet strategies to
attract consumers by alerting them to your
services and enticing their interest; which
means you must have a basic version of
your business that they could experience.
There is art and science in lead
generation. The end of lead generation
is to achieve your annual sales goals,
nothing else.
Facebook Ads, which is second only to
Google allows you to select the type of
demographic you want to target, such as
certain ZIP codes, couples, book clubs…etc.
And even though Google AdWords is the
most expensive of the available tools, it does
provide results when done intelligently with
the right keywords. However, the traffic to
your website that this tool generates comes
at a price; meaning that its benefits halt
as soon as you turn the tap off on Google
AdWords advertising; which is a drawback
that needs to be considered when setting
your SEM strategy.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a
discipline that incorporates pay-per-click
(PPC) listings. It involves promoting your
website through optimization and paid
advertising. It is a widely-used tactic for
customer acquisition that is effective, as
more than 3.5 billion daily searches on
Google demonstrates. The fact that it is
controllable and measurable makes it a good
lead generating tactic.
For example, Pay-per-Click (PPC)
advertisements such as Google AdWords
enables you to boost online traffic; however
Search Engine and
Social Media Marketing
Retargeting ads is focused towards
converting window shoppers into actual
buyers. Generally, only 2% of first time
visitors to your website become buyers,
and retargeting ads is what converts the
other 98%. They work by tracking visitors to
your online store/website and anonymously
placing cookies on their browser, which
retargets you ads to them as they visit other
sites. This method is known to generate
sales by keeping the brand in the forefront
and drawing back window shoppers once
they’re ready to buy. In addition, it helps
your brand gain attention and recognition
because of how it is displayed. In other
words, the more people will see your brand,
the better the chances of their conversion.
Retargeting Ads
web visitors
to customers
Public Relations
The ultimate goal is to increase traffic
to your website and convert visitors to
customers. PR is a low cost tool that is
very credible and highly effective yet it is
often underutilized by small businesses.
Successful PR will generate positive
publicity and brand awareness; however if
people reach your website and find it dodgy,
the PR will go to waste.
You should consider generating positive
press by building strong ties with key local
journalists, which could potentially be a
powerful game changer for your business.
One way is to commit to building regular
announcements and monthly small stories
relative to local press interests. Also, you
should invest the time in developing your
business core story that documents what
makes your business different and how it
approaches customer service…etc.
The next step would be to transform
your point of view into workshops or
presentations that generate and nurture
leads. A value packed session that is
packaged and ready to market for people
(online and offline) will establish the
networking foundation with other business
owners and customers that might need your
services in the future.
Finally, measuring results is a valuable tool
because it provides clear evidence that your
online marketing tactics are cost effective
and generates real leads. There is no one
universal digital marketing strategy, so
results measurements help with monitoring
your activities and gauging if you are going
in the right direction.
For example, Website Analytics helps you
identify which referral sites provide the best
leads by looking into visitor data to see
which ones actually use your services. The
logic is that knowing which sites generate
5 buying customers for your business as
opposed to 50 window shoppers will help
you determine the best location for your
ads. Google Analytics, for instance, is a free
service that helps you determine where your
buying customers are coming from.
Another tool is Click-through Rates that
measure how many people click on an ad
to visit your site, which helps you measure
online ad impact and website placements
accordingly. Additionally, the number of
visitors that click on your ads and convert
to buyers helps you determine which efforts
and ad locations are cost effective, so look
into your Conversion Rates.
Additionally, pay attention to your Landing
Pages, which is the lead page in your
website that traffic is directed towards to
prompt a specific action. So, keep that page
simple and make buying the focus of that
page, which means eliminating distractions,
such as webcasts, blogs, or Facebook
update links…etc.
Result Measurements
In summary, it is no longer an option for any
business to sit on the sidelines when it
comes to digital engagement. The greatest
majority of consumers use search engines,
social media, and other platforms such as
Pinterest, Facebook, Ebay…etc., as their main
shopping resource to research products
online before buying. So, when they do their
online research, they should not only find
your website, but they should also find a
credible professional website that is
engaging and easy to use.
Bear in mind, that potential customers
will not just visit your website, but your
competitors’ websites, online review portals,
and social media snippets as well. Therefore,
your goal must be to understand the needs
of your consumers so you know how to
attract, influence, convert and retain them.
We have listed the essentials to help you
plan and launch the right digital engagement
strategy for your business. However, fortune
favors not just the brave but also the savvy.
Your business has to adapt and recognize
opportunity as it presents itself. And building
a digital marketing strategy requires a team
that is just as flexible and knowledgeable as
the changing digital world. So, this is the
time to think about finding the right partner
and business provider who could help you
launch your digital engagement presence in
the most cost-effective and efficient way.
NetStripes is a tech startup company
transforming the way business owners
create their digital presence with the right
tool and strategy. Our innovations enable
small businesses build big business like
digital presence and capability within weeks
and at a fraction of the price.
We use an integrated, end to end approach
to help small business owners build vital
knowledge and confidence, tailored digital
strategy and then go to create a successful
digital presence that connects with large
number of sophisticated customers which
helps their businesses grow.
P. 1300 10 8880 | E.
55 Pyrmont Bridge Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009 Australia
The Small Business
Digital Engagement