Guide for Small
Discover the secrets to winning
more leads and customers in
today’s digital paradigm
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All Rights Reserved
April 2019
The information, text, technical and research content contained in this document is for
general information purposes only and should not be mistaken for a business consultation.
We make no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied about the suitability of the
information contained to your business.
What is Lead Generation and Why is It Important?
Understanding Your Ideal Customer
The Lead Generation Process
Best Practice and Techniques: Inbound and Outbound Strategies
Small Business’ Most Commonly Asked Questions - Answered
Take Action
Rather than focusing on
sales upfront, we need
to understand our
customers and find
ways to deliver value to
them throughout each
stage of the Customer
Buying Cycle.
Winning new leads and new customers are increasingly difficult and
expensive as old tactics that has once worked well in the past, are no
longer effective anymore. This reason lies in the change in consumer
behaviour that has taken place with the advent of the smartphone and
the Internet. As businesses of today and tomorrow, how do we make
the necessary transitions to engage with the large population who are
incessantly consuming on their smartphones?
In today’s digital paradigm, rather than focusing on sales upfront, we
need to understand our customers and find ways to deliver value to
them throughout each stage of the Customer Buying Cycle. Thanks
to the Internet, it has allowed us to do this effectively and relatively
inexpensively if you know what needs to be done. Businesses today
must consider what value and benefit they can provide their leads - the
prospective customer who shows interest in purchasing your product
or service, throughout each stage of the Customer Buying Cycle.
The good news is, at each stage of the Customer Buying Cycle, it
gives the opportunity for you to generate a lead. However the question
is - how do you generate a lead? While the goals of generating leads
hasn’t changed, the strategy has undergone substantial changes
due to the rise of online and social techniques. The Lead Generation
Process may seem like a complex concept, so to help you gain a better
understanding, this e-book will delve into the finer details of the Lead
Generation Process, and with a focus on best practice and strategy,
you’ll also learn how your small business can generate more quality
leads and achieve faster results, each week, month and year in today’s
new paradigm of business.
Lead generation is the process of attracting
and converting a stranger into a lead – a
prospective customer who shows interest in
purchasing your product or service. Simply it
is a strategy that will allow you to stay with
your visitors, form a relationship with them
and then convert them into customers when
they are ready to buy. Only with time, you’ll
be able to gain your customers trust and
convince them about your offerings.
And so, why is it so important? Why is it
such a hot topic in the marketing world?
Lead generation is the lifeblood of all
businesses; without a steady stream of leads,
a business will certainly not survive. From
the research conducted at Netstripes, 80%
of all small business owners are dissatisfied
about their digital results. When it comes
to generating leads, customers & sales,
we are often questioned “why traffic isn’t
converting”, “why sales remain stagnant”.
What small business owners must realize, is
that not every customer is ready to make a
purchase, & winning a customer’s trust takes
time. So through understanding the Lead
Generation Process, & how to implement
a strategy accordingly to your business &
customer’s needs, you will then be able to
achieve faster & more quality results.
And Why is It Important?
Our time and resources as small businesses
are limited, so heres our top tip! Understanding
your customer could not get any easier. Take
your last 10-20 transactions and identify the
similarities shared among these customers (by
the way, these customers should be ones you
love working with, the ones who don’t haggle
with you and are willing to pay the price). So,
look at their age, location, needs, interests,
pains etc and you should be able to dene
them into 3-4 categories.
From understanding these categories, reach
out to them and get to know them a bit more.
Ask them questions! Become more familiar
with their interests and wants and learn how
your product or service can benet them more.
Before diving straight into the Lead Generation
Process, it is important to rst ask yourself this
question: Do I know who my ideal customer is?
For the majority of businesses, they think
they know who their customer is and to be
fair, most want everyone to be their customer.
However for successful businesses, not only
are they extremely specic with who their ideal
customer is, they also know them inside out;
their hobbies, interests, desires, fears, what
they watch, listen and read.
The most fundamental aspect of designing a
successful business strategy is understanding
your customers and their needs. It is not
effective if you hope just anyone would pay
for your bills. Don’t be general because your
solutions will then be vanilla. Be different.
Specically know and understand who
your consumers are so you can focus your
limited time and resources towards building
relationships with the right people.
Understanding your ideal consumer will
also assist your business in driving your
consumers through the customer’s buying
journey using appropriate marketing channels
and personalised messages (will touch on
this later). If your ideal consumer doesn’t use
Pinterest, what’s the need to digitally engage
them on that platform?
Practical Tip
Understanding your Ideal Customer
To succeed in
todays digital paradigm,
businesses must follow
a defined process -
The Lead Generation Process.
The Lead
Generation Process
Today’s consumer chooses to navigate the
discovery process and prefers to research
and collect information on their own. This
is in stark contrast to the era that most
businesses once knew, where all advertising
and sales promotion was interruption based.
TV ads, Radio ads, Billboard ads, Cold Calling
are all examples of interruption-based
marketing that shares a common trait - it
was all about hard selling to win a lead
or customer.
To succeed in todays digital paradigm,
businesses must follow a defined process
- The Lead Generation Process. A 5-step
process (also known as the Pirate Metrics
or AARRR Metrics) has been proven to be
successful for many fat growing startup
businesses. The Lead Generation Process is
completed in 5 ultimate steps: Acquisition
Stage, Activation Stage, Retention Stage,
Revenue Stage and Referral Stage.
5-Step Process
How do users find you?
Do they come back?
Do users have a great 1st experience?
How do you make money?
Do they tell others?
In order to attract strangers and turn them
into your websites visitors, it is important to
drive qualified traffic using multiple inbound
and outbound methods including Email
Marketing, Social Media, Retargeting, Pay per
click Ads, Content Marketing and Search
Engine Optimisation (SEO). Other than digital
methods, as a small business don’t forget
to do it in person too; whether it’s through
meetings, public relations, networking
events, etc.
Acquisition Stage
Attract by Driving Qualified Traffic
Activation Stage
Convert by Lead Capturing
Once you have driven qualified traffic to your
website, you must now convert your web
visitors into leads. The next stage is lead
capturing. Lead capturing is offering value
in exchange for your customers contact
details. By offering valuable content (sign-up
here to get your free e-book) or promotional
deals (sign up now and get 10% off your first
purchase), visitors will then provide you with
their contact information which will be easier
for you to bond with them as they’ll be more
responsive to the conversations you initiate
with them.
However considering this stage, the
most crucial part is your website. It’s very
important to leave a great first impression -
just like when you meet a new friend, so your
website is the make or break! By providing
your visitors with a great first experience, it
will help you capture their details so you can
maintain a relationship with them in the
long run.
So how do you make a great first impression
you may ask. Well your website must be top
class of course! Many lose their customers in
the first 2-4 seconds of visiting their website
because instant trust is not delivered. By
making sure your website design creates
immediate trust and credibility and delivers
your unique value proposition, you’ll be
able to save lots of time and money from
successfully converting your traffic
into leads.
Retention Stage
Build Relationships by Lead Nurturing
Lead nurturing is the retention stage where
you turn your leads into customers by
establishing trust, credibility, and relationship
with your leads. It is where you’ll learn
more about them and where they’ll learn
more about what you do. By using inbound
and outbound marketing methods such as
personalized emails and valuable content
to suit their needs, you will create a bond
that achieves a higher chance of sustaining
your lead’s interest and attention and most
importantly their trust.
Revenue Stage
Finish Deals with Closing Strategies
The revenue stage is where you want to close
the deal. By analysing the stages of the leads
and understanding who requires immediate
attention and more nurturing, different
closing strategies should be performed to
engage differently to help you close the
deals faster. Closing strategies can include
promotional activities such as offering
discounts, vouchers and coupons, and
providing testimonials to build trust between
your business and your customers.
During this stage, a pricing strategy could
make all the difference. Analyse your current
pricing and evaluate whether your offering is
valuable and competitive to your competitors.
Pricing is all about buyer’s psychology and
it is an important tactic for closing. If you
can offer the right product, at the right time,
at the right place, at the right price, your
customer’s will convert. However setting the
right price requires a strategy. Speak to our
experts today and get your pricing strategy
implemented for your business. To book your
free advisory, click here.
Through nurturing and using closing
strategies to seal the deal, the relationship
with your leads will foster a deeper bond, and
when your lead is ready, they will purchase.
Referral Stage
Building a Community of Advocates
Just because your customers have moved
through the funnel and purchased from
you doesn’t mean they’ll stay there. It’s
important for you to pay attention to the post
purchase activities to ensure your customer’s
full satisfaction and retention. One of the
greatest indicators of success is when you
have high levels of customer loyalty. When
customers become so satisfied with your
product, not only will they re-purchase, they’ll
also refer your business to their friends and
families - becoming an advocate for your
business. To ensure your customer gets to
the referral stage and stays there, consider
taking post purchase actions such as
surveys, loyalty discounts and testimonials
or reviews.
There is no one-size-fits-all
strategy as all businesses
are different. So analyse
which strategies are best
suited for your business.
How to
Generate Leads
Using Inbound and
Outbound Marketing
As all customers are situated at different stages of the lead generation process, by segmenting
the funnel into 5 key stages of the customer buying cycle; Awareness, Education, Validation,
Purchase, and Retention, you will be able to implement specific inbound and outbound
marketing strategies to manage and engage with leads at different stages.
There is no one-size-fits-all
strategy as all businesses are
different. So analyse which
strategies are best suited
for your business.
This is where you send messages out to your prospects/ leads/ customers such as email
blasts, Google and social media ads, telemarketing, & banner advertising.
But Firstly,
What is Inbound and
Outbound Marketing?
• Pushes messages to wide audience, despite having interest
• Interruption based & Inert, one way communication
• Business seeks customers & costly
• Quick but achieves short term leads
• Traditional methods: Billboards, TV, radio, magazines, newspapers,
trade shows, telemarketer, events
• Digital methods: Google Ads/Pay-Per-Click, Retargeting, Social media
advertising, email marketing
Outbound Marketing
Achieve wide reach, increase customers and revenue (only if
strategized correctly). This is not guaranteed to happen all the time.
• Controls what, who and when the audience sees the advertisement
• Retargeting is an effective tool to remind and bring back customers
who have left your website.
Dicult to track ROI
• Paid advertising may not always achieve optimal results
• Pushy and invasive nature will repel customers always. Also an
ineffective way to build trust and credibility
• Email marketing can result in spam reporting and blacklisting of
brand’s email address
This is creating informative, valuable and engaging content to attract prospect/leads/
customers to your website, social media or email list on their own volition. This content
marketing includes blogs, social media, email newsletters, and ebooks.
• Pulls interested readers with relevant and interesting content
Permission based & Interactive, two way communication
Customers seek business & cost effective
Takes time yet achieves long term leads: Builds relationships and trust
Digital methods: Direct email, social media, search engine
optimization, blogs
Inbound Marketing
• Cost effective & achieves high ROI
• Easy to track ROI
• Reach targeted customers more eciently
• Increases brand awareness
• Builds relationships; trust & credibility
Requires skills, time and patience
• Needs a functional and quality website to effectively achieve results.
This may be costly.
• Takes time to achieve results. However, sometimes conversions may
not always happen.
In today’s digital evolution, the Customer’s
Buying Journey has changed and no longer are
customers purchasing in linear steps. Through
the Customer Buying Cycle (as illustrated
below), businesses need to acknowledge
additional Retention strategies that are
required to help maintain loyal and satised
customers as well to encourage advocacy of
the business.
Businesses need to analyse and evaluate
the suitable use of inbound and outbound
marketing tools to effectively engage with
customers throughout each of the 5 stages
of the Customer Buying Cycle; Awareness,
Education, Validation, Purchase, and Advocacy
Buying Cycle
Let me give you an example with Beginner Biker
Benji, whos recently wanted to get back into shape.
Awareness Stage
Benji has been told by his doctor that he must
get back into shape, otherwise, his health may
deteriorate. The problem is that he is unaware
of the methods that can help with his health.
He goes online and find blogs (inbound),
social media posts (inbound), news articles
(outbound) and advertisements (outbound)
that inform Benji of the multitude of ways that
will help him get back into shape.
TIP: What kind of content can you offer
to provide industry and product neutral
information and create awareness of their
problem and need?
Example: How to lose weight in 10 days?
Education Stage
With all the content that Benji reads, he learns
about biking and the great perks of the sport.
He continues his research and finds a really
informative biking blog written by a company
called Bikes World and subscribes to their
weekly newsletter (inbound). He also attends
a Sports Convention Event (outbound) where
he gains greater enlightenment from bike
athletes and celebrities.
TIP: What kind of content can you offer your
customer to provide industry and product
neutral info while educating them on solutions
to their problem?
Example: What are the 5 benets of
cycling everyday?
social media groups and communities to get
validation on the bike he wants to purchase.
TIP: What kind of content can you offer to
convince your customers that your solution
is the best of the best and has earned expert
and peer validation?
Example: Bike Model CX100 Review: Hit
or Miss?
By this stage, Benji is convinced that biking is
the sport for him. He is excited and motivated
to get started however hes not sure which
bike is suitable for him. From the weekly
newsletters he subscribed to earlier, he reads
another blog by Bikes World (inbound) on their
best-recommended bikes for beginners, based
on durable quality and affordable price. He
does further research on each bike product
and watches testimonials (inbound) and video
reviews (inbound) for each. He also joins
Validation Stage
Purchase Stage
Benji has decided on the bike he wants
however, he can’t decide which retailer to buy
from. Though word of mouth (inbound), his
friend suggested Bike World as they have
really good customer service and are always
catering to their customers’ needs. Also, Bikes
World has been advertising (outbound) their
promotions with vouchers and specials. This
results in Benji’s nal decision: to purchase his
bike from Bikes World.
TIP: What kind of content can you offer to
stand out from your competitors and create
vendor and product validation?
Example: Buy 2 bikes from Bikes World and
get your second bike 50% off!
Advocacy Stage
Since Benji’s bike purchase, Bikes World not
only subscribed Benji to their emailing system,
but have also emailed him regularly to follow
up with Benji’s satisfaction with his purchase.
They also send blogs, articles and exclusive
promotional offers (inbound) to keep Benji
in the loop and help him through his tness
journey. As a result, Benji always recommends
Bikes World (both in person and online) to his
friends and peers. This, as a result, becomes
great advocacy for Bikes World.
TIP: What kind of content can you offer
to maintain a close relationship with your
Example: Refer Your Friend and win a trip for 2
to Tour De France!
Content created at
the top the funnel
facilitates Awareness
Blogs, advertising,
retargeting, social
media, youtube, PR
Content created in the
middle of the funnel
facilitates the Validation
Testimonials, social media,
youtube, brochures, CRM
ase studies, FAQs, EDM`
Content created in the
middle of the funnel
facilitates the Education
Websites, newsletter,
how to blogs, articles,
ebook, events, webinars
Content created in the
middle of the funnel
facilitates the Purchase
Presentation, promotional
(strategies, coupons, vouchers),
customer stories
Content created at the bottom
of the funnel facilitates customer
retention, loyalty, and advocacy
Content delivered
after the purchase stage
has incredible impact
on customer retention
Most Common
Although inbound marketing may be an
optimal strategy in today’s digital landscape,
inbound marketing may not be the right
solution for every business. It really depends
on who your audience is and your business’
needs. If your business can afford paid
advertising, we recommend utilizing both
inbound and digital outbound strategies
to support each others incompetency in
producing results. Inbound is a long-term
play that will achieve trust and credibility in
customers, while outbound can reach an
audience quickly when done correctly.
To achieve optimal results, small businesses
need to first understand its customers
and their personas, their needs and wants,
how your product and service can solve
their problem and differentiate from your
competitors, and of course, a functional
quality website to drive web traffic through
your inbound and outbound
marketing strategies.
At each stage of the Customer Buying Cycle,
there are different objectives you want
to achieve.
Which should I choose?
Inbound Strategies or Outbound Strategies?
How do I create content
for each stage of the
customer buying cycle?
Awareness Stage:
“100% of traffic here are unaware of their problems and their need”
You want to attract trac to your website
by targeting your ideal customers’ pain
points and problems. The content you create
(whether in your social media posts, blogs,
ebooks, research articles) must be of industry
Validation Stage:
only 23% of your traffic becomes a lead because they realise they need
this solution
This stage is arguably the most pivotal point
in the customer’s cycle. The leads at this
stage are generally evaluating your product or
service and will eliminate any solutions that
aren’t a good t. So it’s necessarily important
to engage and nurture a deep relationship
with your leads through content that
provides expert and peer validation such as
testimonials, reviews and press releases.
and product neutral information; highly
valuable content that creates awareness on a
topic that spikes your ideal customers’ pains
and problems.
Education Stage:
only 75% of the traffic becomes interested in the topic
As a consumer, when you google things like
“How to lose weight fast”, or “How to grow
my business”, a whole list of all sorts; articles,
blogs and youtube videos, will pop up. These
are all examples of industry and product
neutral content that provides solutions to
your ideal customers’ questions and further
educates them of their pain points/ problems.
After reading a couple of these articles, you’ll
realise that you’ll prefer the ones that offers
the most valuable, relevant and educational
information, and eventually you’ll subscribe
to their newsletter to receive weekly content.
Once a subscription is made and personal
details such as name and contact details are
provided, a consumer becomes a qualied
lead. So the key to the Education stage is:
creating valuable, relevant and educational
content consistently to successfully convert
trac into leads.
Purchase Stage:
only 2% of your traffic-turned-lead converts into becoming your customer”
Finally your leads are getting hot and you
want to close the deal. To hit the nail and lift
the conversion rates, the content you want to
create here will need to provide product and
vendor comparisons, or differentiation. By
offering promotional content like discounts,
vouchers and trial offers, you’ll be able tie the
knot and close the deal.
Advocacy Stage:
approximately 60-70% of your customers will repurchase from you again
and become your brand’s advocate
This stage is just as crucial as the previous 4
stages, however many businesses make the
mistake of disregarding this and neglecting
their customers after they’ve made their FIRST
purchase. According to Paul Farris’ book
Marketing Metrics, a repeat customer has
approximately 60-70% chance of repurchasing
from you again and is so much more easier to
convert compared to a new customer, while
5-20% chance of converting a new customer.
Hence, the advocacy step is important!
Content delivered after the purchase stage
has incredible impact on customer retention,
cross selling and brand advocacy, so denitely
consider using content such as newsletters,
blogs, feedback forms, surveys, promotions
and loyalties and customer stories to keep
engaging with your customers after the
rst win!
It’s necessarily important to
engage and nurture a deep
relationship with your leads
through content
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Countless businesses today are losing
potential customers because they don’t
acknowledge how impactful the Lead
Generation process can be to help generate
customers and revenue. Through this article,
I hope you have understood the process of
lead generation and the different inbound and
outbound marketing strategies integrated
with content ideas that you can use to
achieve effective results at each stage of the
Customer Buying Cycle.
Having a website developed according to
strategy can become quite costly.
If you are a small business owner or keen to start
your own business, and you’re ready to take your
business to new heights, click on the button below
to book a fully subsidised 1-on-1 Advisory. Our
digital experts at Netstripes can help you achieve
better business results.
Learn More
NetStripes has since been appointed as authorised digital
specialists for Small Businesses in NSW. The federal
government policy makers and other key influencers have
acknowledged the benefits of the programs NetStripes
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NetStripes’ trusted and verified digital and marketing system has
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P. 1300 10 8880 | E. info@netstripes.com
55 Pyrmont Bridge Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009 Australia