How to Build
a Business
$0 To $700,000
The 10 steps all entrepreneurs
need to build their own empire and
succeed in today’s internet-driven
and digitalised world.
Copyright © NetStripes 2019
All Rights Reserved
February 2019
The information, text, technical and research content contained in this document is for
general information purposes only and should not be mistaken for a business consultation.
We make no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied about the suitability of the
information contained to your business.
A Message From The CEO
STEP 1. Decide On What You Are Passionate About
STEP 2 . Identify Your Customer and Their Pain Clearly
STEP 3. Brand Positioning
STEP 4. Nail Your Online Branding
STEP 5. Build Your Website To Reflect Your Brand And Strategy
STEP 6. Get Your Product or Service Right
STEP 7. Get The Right Team: Don’t Try To Boil The Ocean Alone
STEP 8. Perfect Marketing Channel For Your Ideal Customers
STEP 9. Be Close To Your Customers
STEP 10. Be Close To Your Team
Take Action
State of the Nation 2018
“My passion was to run a business
that could change the paradigm in
the delivery of technology projects. I
believed professional services firms
could achieve 100% success in on time,
on budget delivery, not 30%. It was
however, key that we worked exclusively
with clients who were committed to
the importance of achieving quality
outcomes, through the best
in-class governance.
CEO of Netstripes
Dinesh De Silva
So many intelligent, experienced and hardworking people find
themselves in jobs that make them unhappy and frustrated.
They are often stuck in roles in which they feel disempowered,
under-utilised and wasted.
I want to help inspire anyone who may feel that you are in this
rut, feeling tied down. I want you to know that there are options.
The very same options I discovered after taking the plunge into
the world of entrepreneurship, how to minimise the risks we all
worry about, how we pay bills, keep ourselves a float and meet
family and other obligations we have.
You also must know that, like in anything, starting and running
a business successfully is about following a system that starts
with passion. Success can be achieved and there is a system
and formula for it.
Back when I was in a similar dilemma, an old friend I considered
a wise man, advised me to just start and get back to doing what
I loved; go an entrepreneur, and start a business. After much
thought and weighing up my options, I decided to take the
plunge in March 2010. It was a tough decision; taking a huge
risk foregoing my career in the corporate sector. Nevertheless, I
followed my intuition and started my business. I am hoping you
will be inspired to take similar actions as the results can change
your paradigm.
A Message
from the CEO
“I was sure that if I wanted 100%
success in projects, I needed to
work with people who shared the
same passion
Decide On What You Are Passionate About
This is fundamental for success. The
passion will keep you ticking at all times,
especially in tough times. For Dinesh, he
was driven by one challenge, and that
challenge was to create 100% successes
in all his projects. This challenge was
inspired from a research that was
conducted at the time, which showed
that only 30% of all technology projects
were completed to client satisfaction.
Mostly because projects went over
budget or over time.
“I felt this 70% rate of “failure” was
crazy. My passion was to run a business
where successful project completion
will be 100%, where project governance
is best in class, yet practical. Delivered
exclusively to those clients who
understand and are committed to
the importance of achieving quality
outcomes every time”
Initially, his peers didn’t believe him and
told him it wasn’t possible. However he
was determined to make it possible.
However he was determined to make it
possible. He believed that he could make
every engagement a good one and meet
the expectations of stakeholders who
have lost trust in the system.
“I was super passionate about making
it happen, and that is what it will take to
Dinesh started NexGroup on the 10th of
March 2010. If he wanted 100% success
in all his projects, he knew he would
need to work with people who shared the
same passion as he did, and he wasn’t
about to tolerate lip service. This means
serving high quality and professional
services directors, program directors
and project managers who had the same
vision and who would commit to good
“You may think, how do I find what I am
passionate about, how do I get the right
research, and target the right clients”
“The more people you talk
to in your target customer
group, the more insights
you will receive“
Identify Your Customer and Their Pain Clearly
To be client centric, we must know who
our ideal customer is, what their pain is
and how to resolve that excruciating pain.
You must be clear and targeted - this is
about laser focus and not a spray gun
To help understand your ideal customers,
it is essential to talk to as many people in
your target market as possible, before you
start and spend money on building your
Instead of asking about their opinion
on your product/ service i.e. “I got
this product will you buy it”, ask them
questions around the problem you are
trying to resolve. Explore through a series
of questions on how painful vit is for them
and how important it is for them to find a
solution. This will determine whether they
would pay for it and if so how much they’re
willing to pay to have someone resolve
their problem. The more people you talk to,
the more insights you will gain.
For Dinesh, after doing his research and
speaking with several people, he identified
his ideal client to be project directors of
global tech companies (e.g. big banks,
major retailers, global financial houses
etc) who had big-ticket projects that
were required to be delivered on time,
with high visibility and little room for
error. These projects had a track record
of budget and time overruns, so they
were happy to talk to an expert who
could help.
NexGroup team were helping them
resolve their excruciating pain as their
high paying jobs, and that of their teams
often depended on an on-time -on-
budget delivery.
At the start, our clients will only
give you a small project to test you.
However, if you can truly deliver and
surpass expectations with flying
colours, you will get not one, not two,
but a massive avalanche of business as
we did.
The critical element here was to know
who our ideal customer was, to develop
empathy on what significant issues they
had, and to build trust by demonstrating
that we can help them.
This is about having a clear strategy, that
is then executed to precision from the
start. If you would like to develop your
own clear strategy and achieve similarly
click here for more details and insights.
Brand Positioning: how to build your
business and brand to be attractive
to your ideal customers
Brand positioning is vital for a business
because it is how your brand is perceived
in the minds of your customers
compared to your competitors.
NexGroups positioning strategy
was such that within the first year of
operations, solutions were delivered to
big Australian and global companies like
CA North America, CA Australia, AXA,
Woolworths and ANZ Bank.
Brand positioning is about understanding
your strengths, your weaknesses and
that of your competition and then
charting a course to differentiate
yourself from that of the competition by
articulating your strengths powerfully.
Often entrepreneurs and businesses
don’t do a good enough job on this
crucial aspect of first understanding
their strengths and then articulating
these strengths powerfully.
As first steps, write down your strengths,
compare that against what your client’s
needs are, and then check how your
competitors outline their strengths. For
example, how many years of experience
do you have in this speciality, how
many years of experience do you have
overall. What are your qualifications,
what awards and accreditations have
you won, what makes you special?, why
should anyone buy from you?
You must be able to list yours in a way
your business can clearly stand apart
from competitors of all sizes, much
larger firms and then those of similar
If this is an area you need help in, click
here to speak to Dinesh or our Digital
Strategists. With years of experience,
they’d be happy to point you towards the
right direction.
Nail Your Online Branding -
“You are your brand,
and your online brand is like the corporation that
backs you”
When you start a new business, you are
the brand. You represent your brand. It is
your credibility and expertise that people
depend on and want to take a punt on.
Anyone wanting to give you business
has their lingering doubts, and they often
need the support and approval of others.
This is where your online brand comes
into play. Your online brand has to be
like that big corporation that backs them
to develop trust. In this case your brand
must look as strong and you can feel
confident when you are having various
discussions with customers as you were
when you were in a corporate job or
running a franchise.
The strong positioning of your brand and
business must come through clearly,
and on first sight. A lot of people miss
out on this step, and jumps directly to
building their website. As a result, they
struggle for years with poor results, and
eventually close their business down
after having lost all their money. This is a
big mistake you must avoid.
So get your online branding right before
you go into developing your website. If
you get your online branding right, you
will increase your chances of success
and eliminate the risks of starting a
business. Again this is an area the team
at NetStripes can guide you with. Click
here to learn more.
Building a website that
reflects your online branding,
positioning, web presence
and strategy.
Build Your Website To Reflect
Your Online Brand And Strategy
The reason for Step 4 is so when your
potential clients check out your website,
your website will ooze with credibility
and trust thanks to a strong branding.
Every business has massive competition
today. So, you must stand apart from
your competition.
NexGroup did just that: while NexGroup
was operated by one person, his clients
trusted NexGroup Asia Pacific as if it
was a credible corporation. NexGroup’s
online branding was built to give instant
credibility and trust that was reflected on
the website and that year NexGroup
It does not need
to cost you an
arm or leg
handled projects for Woolworths, ANZ
Bank, Fujitsu, AXA Asia Pacific, AMP,
Australian Customs, NSW Government,
Victorian Government and more.
“It does not need to cost you an arm or
leg, or take months to achieve, if done
As a new company with barely any
customers, how would you make big
customers feel comfortable working with
you? You could by building a website that
reflects your online branding, positioning,
web presence and strategy.
We achieved a 100% success
record, at a time when the
industry standard was
30% success
Get Your Product or Service Right
Getting your product or service right is
absolutely fundamental. What’s meant
here, is to build and offer products or
services to customers only once you
have understood your ideal customer’s
pain. Your offering serves as a solution
that they need as opposed to what you
think they need.
“Don’t start a business if you can’t deliver
high-quality products or services 100% of
the time. 99% is just not good enough.
99% is just not
good enough
Think of it as a commitment to yourself.
NexGroup delivered 20 projects in the
first 12 months because their customers
loved their first project. Then we got a
second project. The clients loved every
one of them, first to the fourth. Delivering
their passion, making every engagement
a good one.
When told the impossible nature of the
task ahead, you must be motivated even
more to defy the odds and succeed.
Get The Right Team:
Don’t Try To Boil The Ocean Alone
Spend your time ensuring you have
the best people. If you cannot afford
to hire them full time, get them on the
job-to-job basis, part-time, or offshore.
Today’s digitally globalised world allows
it. Dinesh spent nights sourcing the
best people from around the world for
He called the US, UK, India, South Africa,
Ireland. Yet, NexGroups first consultant
was from a small Middle Eastern country
of all places.
“He was unbelievable. He managed
a mega project for one of the largest
organisations in Australia and was able
to even handle their big business
Invest in getting
the right team
arrogance because he had more
expertise and experience than they
did. Was he more expensive? Yes. Was
the project super profitable? Yes. Did
it lead to other projects? Yes. More
importantly, a client from an ASX top
20 firm loved our work.
This shows that getting the right team
with the right expertise, right attitude
and same passion is necessary to
succeed. Eventually your business will
grow so big, you won’t have the time to
manage all the tasks. So, don’t try to boil
the ocean alone. Invest in getting the
right team and your business will grow
Identify the Most Important Marketing Channel for
your Ideal Customers
In this age of social media, the mistake
that many businesses make is not being
clear with who their ideal customers
are. Without knowing and understanding
who your customer is, you will not know
which marketing channel is best suited
for them. So, take the time to identify the
ideal channel for your customers. Is it
email marketing? LinkedIn? Facebook?
Instagram? Pinterest? Meetup?
What most businesses do is hedge their
bets and do a bit of everything. This is
a poor strategy that will lead to poor
results and have you spend a lot of your
priceless time and money.
The advice here is to pick one or
maximum two channels that your
customers engage on. When you start,
there is a limitation of time and money,
so your focus on one platform is crucial.
If you require help, you can speak to one
of our strategists to provide you with the
best promotional mix.
We used email as our
fundamental channel
of marketing and then
LinkedIn. Even I am guilty
of becoming distracted
doing twitter due to my
personal interest on
Twitter as a channel,
but that didn’t help the
business at the time.
Be Close to Your Customers
Be close to your customers, and meet as many prospects in your ideal customer
category (persona). Visit or have lunch with them. It’s not costly, just a sandwich
or coffee is OK. But get to know them. Ask questions. Listen, listen & listen. Ask for
recommendations. Ask for referrals. Your customers would love to help you if you
help them.
Be Close To Your Team
Your team are the people that are making your vision come to life. They work hard
and they’re committed to their work. Be close to them, talk about their focus. Take
them out for lunch, dinner, whatever is convenient. It is important to ensure through
these conversations that your team understands your vision, and your commitment
to achieve client outcomes. “For my team, the focus was always ensuring that every
project was a good one and clients were ecstatic with results”
Start by knowing what you are
passionate about, as this is the most
critical piece of advice I can give you.
Your passion will drive you when you are
having a tough day.
The next important step is
understanding who your ideal customer
is and working out the problem you are
resolving for that customer through
your new business. Is the problem you
are helping to resolve big enough? Are
you fixing their excruciating pain? These
are the questions to ask. If the pain is
not intense enough, your customers will
have only luke warm demand for your
service. You don’t want that. You want
massive demand for what you offer.
Even in an internet-driven world, great
work gets noticed. When you do a good
job, the news spreads much faster than
you know it, thanks to the amplification
of social media tools around us. When
NexGroup first started, from a marketing
perspective, all Dinesh had was a
website with the right online branding
and brand positioning. But it was a
website that our customers could go
to and immediately evoke trust and
credibility.This was vital.
Great service will deliver you word of
mouth recommendations. To make it
work, remember your prospects will
google your website before they have the
confidence to work with you. They often
need the approval of their colleagues,
bosses, and business partners to work
with your firm, so again your website
is that ticket to the dance. Never
underestimate the importance of world-
class online branding. If you want the
expert to audit your website, click here.
Can other small businesses
succeed in their first 12 months?
The answer is yes. Using the same
formula for success, Dinesh has been
helping entrepreneurs achieve similar or
even better results.
His new passion now, is how he can
help protect and change the course of
hundreds of thousands of start-ups and
established small businesses in Australia
and around the world that are struggling
with digital disruption. According to the
Australian Bureau of Statistics, over 1
million small businesses have closed
down in the last five years. Dinesh
believes that by providing them with
the right knowledge, strategies, and
guidance, they will not only protect
themselves from digital disruption
but become the agents of change and
innovators who will succeed in this
digital world.
This passion, gave birth to NetStripes in
April 2014 after Dinesh read a research
report by Deloitte Access Economics
and found that businesses that achieved
“full digital engagement” of customers,
grew significantly faster and achieved
results that were far superior to that of
their counterparts who were not. These
insights were significant on how we can
combat the issue of digital disruption
If you are keen to start a business or
have just ventured on your own recently
and would like to use a similar formula
to what guided these businesses, join
our Digital Accelerator Program. A
program that is designed for success.
Your success.
We celebrate
If you are keen to start a business or have
just ventured on your own recently and would
like to use a similar formula to what guided
these businesses, click on the button below
and learn more how to book a fully subsidised
1-on-1 Advisory with Netstripes.
Learn More
NetStripes has since been appointed as authorised
digital specialists for Small Businesses in NSW. The federal
government policy makers and other key influencers have
acknowledged the benefits of the programs NetStripes have
created to help small businesses in Australia to innovate
and grow as “Transformational and Ground breaking”.
NetStripes’ trusted and verified digital and marketing system has
already helped hundreds of small businesses achieve transformational
business growth. A comprehensive system that includes skills training,
strategy, advisory and innovative web technology to guide entrepreneurs
in achieving their dreams and goals.
What this really means to your business is that you will be seen as a
trusted and credible brand in your industry, win more customers, make
more sales and create more success.
Personally, you will have less stress, more freedom and more time and
money to do what you love.
We know we can do this for your business just the way we have for so
many entrepreneurs, to achieve their goals.
P. 1300 10 8880 | E.
55 Pyrmont Bridge Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009 Australia
$0 TO $700,000